Roll Call

“Taking attendance” in Model UN


In Model UN, the first thing the chair (the person facilitating the meeting) will do is something called “roll call.” This is simply “taking attendance” in Model UN. At the beginning of the conference (and again after lunch break!), the chair will call each country name in alphabetical order. Be prepared to take yourself off mute to respond when your country is called. Below are the 2 different ways you can respond:

  • Present and Voting: This means that later in the conference when it’s time to vote on resolutions (official solutions), you agree to vote either in favor or opposed, but can not abstain. (To abstain means you do not vote. Countries may choose to abstain if they don’t feel strongly for or against a resolution.)

  • Present: This means that when it comes time to vote on resolutions, you can vote or choose to abstain.