Resolution Writing


Throughout Model UN, your goal is to develop a way to address a specific global issue.

A resolution is a formal, written solution that is developed by a group of delegates. Throughout the conference, you’ll find delegates to work together by listening to their interests during opening speeches, moderated caucuses, and in breakout rooms during unmoderated caucuses.

Below are the steps to writing a resolution in virtual Model UN:

  1. Delegates will be given a website link at the beginning of the conference that has all the tools they'll need for the day.

    2) Using the website shared with you at the beginning of the conference, find the "resolution form"

    3) Open the form.

4) Make a copy of the document by clicking “File” —> “Make a copy”

5) Once delegates are in breakout rooms (this happens in the same way as an unmoderated caucus!), one delegate will click "share screen" so everyone can see the resolution template

6) The person sharing the screen will be responsible for typing into the document

7) Everyone in the breakout room will work together to suggest what should be written in each section

8) Note: in a resolution, you will need to include two types of clauses, which are defined below:

  • Pre-ambulatory Clause: This is the why. (Why is it important that you address this issue?)

    • A pre-ambulatory clause starts with words such as “Recognizing that…” or “Aware that…”

    • Example: Recognizing that x% of people in the world are facing the issue of ______

  • Operative Clause: This is the action. (What is your suggestion for addressing this issue?)

    • An operative clause starts with words such as “We recommend…” or “We suggest…”

    • Example: We suggest that countries do _______